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Spring 2022

Instructor: The Rev. Victor Conrado and Mr. Milner Seifert
Format: Fully-online
Dates:1/31 – 5/6 (14 weeks); sync sessions, Fridays, 1:00-3:30 pm Central Time on Feb 4, Feb 18, Mar 4, Mar 18, Apr 1, and Apr 22.

Course Description: This course deals with the principles and practices of worship in the Episcopal Church. The course covers the theology and practice of worship according to the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, its supplements, and supporting musical resources. Students will have an opportunity to develop competencies in leading worship, understanding it to be both expressive of and formational for those who gather for worship. The course includes assigned reading, online lectures and videos, on-line and in-class discussions, close readings of liturgical texts and secondary materials, practical exercises in liturgical leadership, introduction to an in-depth method of liturgical evaluation, writing, and singing. Through these activities and in worship experiences, students will have an opportunity to

  • develop competencies in critical theological analysis of liturgical texts, spaces, and practices;
  • increase their capacity to make creative, constructive, and appropriate use of current liturgical and musical resources in contemporary, multi-cultural, and global Anglican worship contexts and in their own local worshipping communities;
  • discover the deep connections between Episcopal liturgy and the People of God’s participation in God’s mission of reconciliation, justice, and love.

As a core component of Bexley Seabury’s Master of Divinity and Anglican Studies programs, “Anglican Liturgy and Music: Theology and Practice” complements other seminary courses, particularly “Anglican Liturgy and Music: Development and Theology,” which focuses more on the historical development of Episcopal liturgy. Both courses assume prior introductory knowledge of scripture, theology, and liturgy.
