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Pathways for Communities of Practice

Support communities for the unique challenges
of these ministry Roles



Developed for deacons, clergy spouses, and lay leaders.

Communities of support with others who get it.

Designed to support leaders in particular contexts or ministry roles, these groups will meet for sustained, critical conversation around faith, leadership, and issues relevant to these roles.

Communities of Practice currently available:

  • Deacons talking on the Road to Emmaus (for deacons)
  • Conversations on the Partner’s Path (for clergy spouses)
  • Sharing Stories of Baptismal Living (for lay leaders)

Honest conversation with those on a similar path.

He Qi’s image, “The Road to Emmaus” is used with permission.
CLICK on the image to watch a recent

Deacons Talking on the Road to Emmaus SERIES

Mondays, 4:00 p.m. Pacific/7:00 p.m. Eastern

The Association for Episcopal Deacons and Bexley Seabury are EXPANDING opportunities for Deacons to meet as a community of practice. Deacons Talking is becoming a SERIES offered the first four Mondays of every month:

        • The first and third Mondays are opportunities to deepen our relationships through worship, scripture reflections, discussions, and fellowship.
        • The second Monday of the month spotlights a deacon and their ministry.
        • The fourth Monday is an opportunity for continuing education and lifelong learning coordinated by Bexley Seabury.
        • The fifth Monday is a time for those participating in the Deacons Formation Collaborative to gather as a learning community for fellowship, resource sharing, insights, and integration. 

Want to receive notices about these events and other programs and resources? Sign up for our email notifications.

Conversations on the
Partner’s Path

1st Monday, 8:00–9:00 p.m. ET

Spouses of Episcopal clergy gather for for connection, spiritual nourishment, and gifts discernment. Through heart-to-heart topical engagements with our host and guest, we explore the challenge and the gift of being a clergy person’s partner.

Sharing Stories of
Baptismal Living

No new events being produced at this time.

This gathering highlights the contributions of lay leaders and provides opportunities to explore the extraordinary ways ordinary people have answered God’s call.

Our hope is to offer inspiration and support to all who seek to live lives reflective of their baptismal promises.