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Thank you for helping us form more leaders

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The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him,
the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might,
the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

Isaiah 11:2

The prophet Isaiah describes the Servant of God, the Messiah, in these poetic words. Christ Jesus, whose Incarnation we are celebrating this month, is imbued with the Holy Spirit. In Christ we find the wisdom and understanding and knowledge, which can only be of the Spirit of God.

By grace, God gives every servant of the Lord wisdom and understanding and knowledge. The Church’s prayer and intent is that each of her ministers reflects this. The support of our donors for Bexley Seabury helps bring this intent to reality. We strive to foster learning communities that instill and nurture wisdom, understanding, knowledge.

The fruits, the proofs, the results of Bexley Seabury’s efforts are lived out in the ministries of our alumnae and alumni. They are visible in the congregations and work carried out by the clergy and laity we have helped educate to be leaders.

This is the Body of Christ impacting the world.
This is the prophet’s words shown true.
This is your support turned to action and life.

When you give to our Annual Fund, you are furthering the work of the prophets. Thank you.


Conrad Selnick
Vice President for Advancement and Church Relations