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On Becoming a Mission-Shaped Church

2012 Paul S. Nahirney On Becoming a Mission-Shaped Church: A Progress Report on a Diocesan Engagement with Marks of Mission This thesis explores the topic of what it means to be a mission-shaped church. Factors that have contributed to the decline of the Christian...

Canaries in the Coalmine

2011 Joseph Andrew Lane Canaries in the Coalmine: The Impact of Creative People on Congregational Development in the Episcopal Church The Episcopal Church is suspended between a very real desire to welcome new members and an equally real sense of anxiety over its...

For God’s Sake, Step Away From the Church

2011 Lisa Anne Gray For God’s Sake, Step Away From the Church: Moving from Attractional Mindset to Missional Imagination This thesis reclaims the primacy of missio Deo and a re-imagined role for the church in a 21st century context. Examining one judicatory’s attempt...

U2 and Pirates and Prayers, O MY!

2011 Diane M. Jardine Bruce U2 and Pirates and Prayers, O MY! : Managing the Anxiety of Change Within the Emergent Church/Creative Ministry Movement Among Existing Parishes and Missions in the Diocese of Los Angeles The development of “alternative liturgies” within...