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For everyone who contributes in countless ways

J term began January 11, with classes both in Columbus and Chicago. In Chicago, our students, faculty and staff all eat lunch together at noon following chapel. One day a student in “Making Mission Possible Through Tough Times,” a course on how to lead in volatile and ambiguous times, commented at the table about e-newsletters.

Chicago community lunch 2 June 2015
She said it seems her diocese sends another e-newsletter every day. She rarely opens them. She looks forward to Bexley Seabury Community News, though. As soon as it arrives and she has a few minutes, she always opens it. Along with news about alums and the federation, she said, she especially enjoys reading Roger Ferlo’s articles—his style, his topics, his insights.  
We appreciate this student’s appreciation, and hope her thoughts resonate with you.

Once a month you have landing in your in-box a fresh piece of bold theological thinking. You have a chance to tap into and benefit from Roger’s own priestly and scholarly inquiry. His contributions to Community News represent a slice of our ministry. Alongside Roger’s reflections here, in addition to his classes, sermons, articles, presentations, each faculty member contributes intimately to the overall teaching and inquiring ministry of the Bexley Seabury Federation.

We thank you, too. You bear the fruits of our ministry as you live your faith in the Church, in your community, in the world. And, so many of you contribute generously to this work. Thank you.


Conrad Selnick
Vice President for Advancement and Church Relations