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Called to BE MORE?

Doctor of Ministry in Congregational Development

Our DMin in Congregational Development encourages students to reflect theologically on the nature of the church, understand the 2015 DMin Students June 2015 webchallenges and opportunities facing today’s faith communities, analyze congregations and their contexts, practice effective community organizing and strategizing, and develop a learning community with others who are asking similar questions.

To integrate theory and practice, the program includes collaborative study in small groups, lecture and discussion, online reflection throughout the year with a core group, case studies, a congregational study, and a thesis.

LEARN MORE…and HOW TO APPLY for our DMin in Congregational Development Program
Applications are due April 1 to begin studies the following June
Priority admission deadline January 15

Chicago Eucharist June 2015 webDoctor of Ministry in Preaching

Growth in preaching involves curiosity, openness to the Holy Spirit, synthesis of imagination and reason, and power and authority to proclaim the Word of God. The Bexley Seabury Doctor of Ministry in Preaching Program, offered in collaboration with five other Chicago-area seminaries as the Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS) DMin in Preaching Program, offers opportunities to achieve that growth in your own preaching.

This ecumenical program, which includes intensive summer residencies and work in your home congregation during the year, is designed to help you become the preacher God is calling you to be.

LEARN MORE…and HOW TO APPLY for our DMin in Preaching Program
Applications are due January 31 to begin studies the following June