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August 24 – Bexley Hall and Seabury-Western Class of 1939 – 1948

Joseph P. Hollifield, Allan L. Ramsay, Joseph William O’Brien, James P. DeWolfe, Joseph W. Turnbull, Dale W. Cosand, William F. Maxwell, Robert S. Spicer-Smith, S. Patrick Murphy, Theodoros N. Thalassinos

August 25 – Bexley Hall and Seabury-Western Class of 1948 – 1951

Manuel Dmaso Chavez, Richard B. Adams, Malcolm E. McClenaghan, John S. Ruef, Grover C. McElyea, Samuel R. Boman, John H. Duff, Lester B. Thomas, Marcus G. Wood, John Derbyshire, Donald A. Stivers, Robert B. Lucent, John S Jenkins, Stephen E.T. Kim