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Lay and clergy leaders…

Seek and share wisdom beyond walls

Theological education not for the church as it is, but for what the church is becoming

Bexley Seabury is living into its vision to be a 21st century seminary beyond walls—open to all who seek to deepen their Christian formation in a generous spiritual and intellectual tradition.


To register

  1. Visit our Current and Upcoming Courses page.
  2. In the column at left, find the course/s that interest you.Kellogg class June 2015 web
  3. Click on the course title/s to view course pages with detailed information and online registration links.


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> Download the brochure

2015-2016CourseOfferings Cover

“I was concerned that I would have to drop everything and live a cloistered life. But the Bexley Seabury hybrid intensives schedule really works for me: three weekends during the term with additional work done online. I think it’s the model of the future.” Mary Naughton, Anglican Studies Program, Transitional Deacon, Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida

“I started a DMin program at a seminary close to home but something was missing. Bexley Seabury encouraged me to come to Chicago and try on the program. It felt like home—and it was. I was back in a welcoming community with great people, great courses, and all the help I needed.” Dale Eugene Sheppard (Bexley Hall ’06), DMin in Congregational Development Student, Team Ministry Priest, Episcopal Diocese of  West Virginia



  • $1,620 for academic credit*
  • $1,450 for 3-day Bexley Seabury Leadership Institute at the Kellogg School
  • $400 for continuing education units (CEUs)
  • $375 for enrichment (audit/no credit)

*Less for courses that confer fewer than 2 semester hours of credit