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At its meeting in February, the Bexley Seabury board passed a resolution of gratitude for the ministry of the Rev. M. Susan Harlow, who will conclude her time at Bexley Seabury with a sabbatical beginning March 1:

I saw the throng, so deeply separate, fed at one only board –

The devout people, moved, intent, elate, and the devoted Lord.

~ Alice Meynell

“The Bexley Hall – Seabury Western Federation Board of Directors expresses its deepest gratitude to God for the faithful service of the Reverend Dr. Susan Harlow in the development and administration of Seabury’s Doctor of Ministry Programs.

“The throng so deeply separate… The Rev. Susan Harlow, having commenced her service to this institution in a time of extraordinary change and unsettledness, surrounded by a throng of deeply separate views, did manifest a calm and steady hand in the midst of transition.  In this half decade she advanced the mission of the school by reviving and redesigning the D.Min. in Congregational Development, teaching key courses, and acting as advisor and supporter for all D.Min. students.

“Fed at one only board… Susan’s vision has been singular in its focus on the health, vitality, and mission of local congregations, and on the equipping of leaders for service in such Christian communities.  Fed at the board of Christ’s table, she has sought to empower others to serve at that table.

“Devout people, moved, intent, elate… Susan identified and recruited the highest quality faculty, thus keeping the program at the cutting edge. She nurtured fruitful partnerships with CDSP, the Kellogg School, Living Stones, and wherever she found devout partners in formation. She worked with the Deans and other faculty to build firm foundations for the Federation academic programs of the future.

“The devoted Lord… We hereby offer thanks to God for Susan’s service in this time of change, and ask God’s blessings on her in her continuing service to the Church and the Reign of God.”

The Rev. Dr. Roger Ferlo, President

The Rt. Rev. W. Michie Klusmeyer, Board Chair