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Words of Appreciation

Words of Appreciation

For everyone who contributes in countless ways J term began January 11, with classes both in Columbus and Chicago. In Chicago, our students, faculty and staff all eat lunch together at noon following chapel. One day a student in “Making Mission Possible Through Tough...

Non-Profit Management and Leadership

June 2017 This course is available for academic credit only. Business savvy and theology dovetail in this innovative leadership program. Topics include: leadership; leading and following; leveraging generational differences in your organization; stewarding resources;...

Community Organizing for Missional Living

June 2017 This course helps participants develop relational leadership skills and learn how to engage others in community change. Attention is paid to biblical groundings and practical applications for congregational and community renewal. Dates: June 12-16, 2017...

On Our Anglican Ethos

♦ January 16, 2016 ♦ During Martin Luther King week I will be in Columbus teaching an intensive course in Anglican Ethos and Spirituality. I always look forward to teaching this course. Our readings are rich, running the gamut from Cranmer and Hooker to Hannah More...