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To Train the Trainers

I am delighted to inaugurate this monthly column as a permanent feature of our new Bexley Seabury website. I hope you will take a moment to explore the various new features of the site, especially our new course offerings, the bios of our combined faculty and our new...

Bexley Seabury Accredited

CHICAGO, September 6, 2013–On September 6, President Ferlo received news that the Bexley Seabury Theological Seminary Federation is accredited through 2015 by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in the United...

Bexley Seabury Debuts New Magazine

In August, Bexley Seabury published the first issue of a new annual magazine. Download a copy or view it online:     To be added to the mailing list for the 2014 issue, please talk with Susan Quigley via email or at 773-380-6785.